QUAKER GAP REGATHERINGAfter much prayer, research and discussion between our Regathering Committee and Deacons, we will resume meeting in our sanctuary for worship services on Sunday morning, November 8th, 2020 at Quaker Gap Baptist Church. The Regathering Committee provides the following information and guidelines to our church family as a commitment of love for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, so that each one in our Body can enjoy the safest conditions possible. 1. THE STEPS WE HAVE TAKEN We have invested in changes to our HVAC systems which will help eliminate the spread of airborne viruses and bacteria. Between and after services we will disinfect all public surfaces with safe chemicals using an electrostatic sprayer. Touch-free hand sanitizers are stationed at every entrance. Restroom monitors will sanitize restrooms between uses. We will continue to record and post services for those not attending publicly. 2. SIGN UP FOR SERVICES Each week, we will need to sign up by family for a preferred service time. We will restart our gathering by offering two services each Sunday at 9:00am and 11:00am. Each service will be limited to fifty people in order to keep effective social distancing. When sign-ups for one service are full, you will be offered space in the other service. Please contact the church office by telephone at (336) 994-2117 or by email at [email protected] each week to reserve a place. We are not offering nursery care at this time, but children are welcome to worship with you. Children’s Church (K-6) will meet during the 11:00 am service either in the Picnic Shelter or the Fellowship Hall depending on weather conditions. Please drop your child off prior to entering the sanctuary. 3. BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR HOUSE If you (or anyone in your family) have had close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, or if you have a fever, chills, shortness of breath, new cough, or new loss of taste or smell, please do not attend public worship services. 4. WHEN YOU GET HERE We ask that you enter through the glass doors at the Fellowship Hall drive through. We will limit entrance through these doors so as to minimize the space/surfaces needing to be cleaned between services. Each person is asked to wear a mask to protect the people around you. If you do not have one, we will have masks available. A greeter will open the door and you will have access to use the hand sanitizer as you enter. After traveling through the fellowship hall corridor to the side entrance of the sanctuary located nearest the piano, an usher will seat your family in available designated seating areas. Please maintain six feet between yourself and others. 5. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT You may notice changes in some of the parts of our service such as collecting offering, singing, fellowship time, or communion. Please know that we will be creative and informative as we share in these special times of our service while we keep the safety of our church family first and foremost. We want to thank all of you for the heart of love that we have already observed through your responses and comments on the Regathering Questionnaire. Though we may differ in opinions or how we do things at home, there was an overwhelming agreement for sacrifice and unity to do what is best for the Church Body as a whole. We believe this will definitely glorify God and honor one another over ourselves. 6. AFTER THE SERVICE IS OVER Finally, we would like to ask that everyone leave the sanctuary as soon as the worship service is over. There will be a short window of time for cleaning to occur before the next service. An usher will again escort you to one of the two exits to the left of the sanctuary or out the front door. Hand sanitizers will be available at all exits and we encourage you to use these.
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AuthorDr. Jack Darida Archives
February 2025
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